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History of blood collection tube

   Blood collection tube in glass were invented by Joseph Kleiner in 1947. They are being manufactured and marketed by BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) since 1949. Vacutainer is a registered trademark of Becton, Dickinson and Company. The plastic version, known as Vacutainer PLUS, was developed at Becton Dickinson Research Center, RTP, NC during 1991-1993, by co-inventors E. Vogler, D. Montgomery and G. Harper.

   Prior to the invention of an evacuated tube system, before collecting blood, solutions for the additive tubes like EDTA and citrate were prepared and dispensed into test tubes for blood anticoagulation. Then, to identify the proper draw volume, the laboratory used to etch lines in the borosilicate glass tubes. The phlebotomist would collect blood specimens with needles and glass syringes. After collection, the blood would be transferred into a series of test tubes and sealed the tubes with black rubber stoppers for transportation of the specimens to the laboratory. For electrolyte measurements, mineral oil was added to the tubes to prevent loss of CO2. For serum specimens, wooden applicator sticks were used to loosen the clot from the tube walls (Franklin Lakes, 1996).

   The first evacuated tube invented by Joseph Kleiner was called Evacutainer. BD hired Kleiner as a consultant for the product and changed the name of his tube to Vacutainer?.

   Now, there are regulatory agencies and guidelines that ensure the consistency in the design and manufacture of blood collection systems like Food and Drug Administration (FDA); International Standardization Organization (ISO); and Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI); The Medical Device Amendment (1976) and the Safe Medical Devices Act (1990). 

   We Guangzhou Maizhi Medical Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. , located in the beautiful city - Guangzhou and adjacent to the No. 107 national road, we are the collection of R & D, production, sales and service in one of the modern medical equipment, high-tech enterprises. Our main products are vacuum blood collection tube, blood type card (micro-column gel card), in vitro diagnostic reagents, pre filled dish sets of medical, medical equipment and so on,and we provide the efficient, practical, stable medical equipments and the related pipeline system.
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    廣州市邁志醫(yī)療自動化設(shè)備有限公司 Copyright© 2003-2017 技術(shù)支持:英銘 



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