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Add: 2 Floor B Building, XiaDeng Industrial Area,Xindun Village, XinTang Town, ZengCheng District, GuangZhou, China.

Ten advantages of vacuum Blood Collection Tubes

Ten advantages of vacuum Blood Collection Tubes

  1 "vacuum blood collection tubes using plastic material, light weight, pressure, non-friable, easy to transport, and to ensure the safety of medical personnel. 

  2 "the entire vacuum blood collection tubes process is a closed system, health, safety, to ensure that medical personnel are not transmitted source. 

  3 "All vacuum blood collection tubes are equipped with safety protection cap, to avoid the dirty spray produced. 

  4 "anticoagulant control additive for spray / dry powder / liquid-like, the most effective anticoagulant. 

  5 "inside the vacuum vessel to adopt accurate and reliable. All additives are automatically added, plus kind of precision, to avoid the disadvantage of poor reproducibility manually added in order to ensure accurate results and good repeatability. 

  6 "Safety cap color in line with international standards, easy to distinguish the different tube additives. 

  7 "test-tube specifications in line with international standards, are fully applicable to a variety of automated analyzers. 

  8 "full range of vacuum blood collection tubes, blood collection can meet all laboratory requirements, a needle that is able to complete all the testing of samples, to alleviate the suffering of patients. 

  9 "vacuum blood collection tubes long shelf life, as long as 18 months. 

  10 "vacuum blood collection tubes  product of burning carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, does not produce toxic gases, the burning of residues of 0.2%, for green products

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    廣州市邁志醫(yī)療自動化設備有限公司 Copyright© 2003-2017 技術支持:英銘 



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