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BD, the worlds leading medical technology company, announced that its latest BD Vacutainer vacuum blood vessel productio

Due to increasing domestic labor costs and increase employee turnover, resulting in many traditional manufacturing enterprises cannot survive, and for the vacuum vessel production enterprises, is also facing such problems. Therefore, it is a general trend to replace traditional manual operation with vacuum production line. How can the production line of vacuum blood vessel be more suitable for the production of vessel manufacturers?
1. Make clear the ultimate goal of the vacuum vessel production line.
Some vascular manufacturers blindly purchase vascular production line, sometimes feel that the price is low, it is necessary to buy a full set of vascular production line, in fact, this is very unwise choice. Because the production status of each producer of blood vessels is different, if the blind investment, may lead to the purchase of equipment useless, while increasing the company's capital risk. Guangzhou Mai Zhi automation equipment experts recommend tailor-made vascular production line, according to their own production output to choose the production line of blood vessels, or choose a single production equipment for vascular collection.
2, Production process is necessary to put into the production of vascular equipment?
In general, the following processes can be performed by means of vascular production equipment, such as
(1) Manual operation will lead to unstable quality or fail to meet customer requirements;
(2) The quantity of products is too large, the manpower operation is tedious and time-consuming;
(3) Products are too big or too heavy, manual operation is difficult, etc..
3, Production process requirements are suitable for automation equipment.
(1) Whether the quality of the upstream products is stable during the production of the blood vessel, and if the quality of the products coming upstream is unstable, the quality of the products processed by the automatic equipment may not be as good as that of the artificial ones;

(2) Operation complexity: for some operations with higher complexity, the production line of blood vessel can not be completed, so it must be operated manually;

(3) Whether automatic production equipment will increase other production costs, such as automatic feeding and so on, these costs should be taken into account.
4, How should the vascular production line meet the production demand?
(1) Not blindly pursue high-speed production equipment, but should meet the needs and ensure product quality as the first principle.

(2) In some complex production processes, single tasking equipment may be considered.
In the procurement of vascular equipment, face saving project should be avoided, and the essential function of automation equipment should be abandoned in order to be fashionable on the surface. Guangzhou Mai Zhi medical automation equipment http://tedamall.com.cn provides an efficient, practical and stable medical and medical equipment and related pipeline system for all of us.
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